Article number: 18TCAC
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Sinbad’s first seven voyages are famous, but his eighth voyage was
the most amazing of all. This book will captivate young readers as they
read how Sinbad and his young African friend, Selassie, encounter one
danger after another. In this exciting book, Sinbad the Sailor sets out
on his greatest voyage, a sojourn filled with perilous adventures and
many trials, finally finding the most wonderful treasure of all.
Islam is challenging the gospel worldwide today, even in America.
Christian young people need to see how the gospel meets the true
spiritual needs of boys and girls and how Islam does not. The
Crescent and the Cross: The Eighth Voyage of Sinbad combines high
adventure with a clear witness to the gospel in a way that grips young
readers and keeps them reading avidly to the very end.

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