A Treatise on the Law and Gospel

Article number: 37ATOLG
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Does upholding the law compromise the freeness and fullness of the gospel?

In this classic work, John Colquhoun helps us to understand the importance of knowing the relationship between law and gospel. In one of the most outstanding Reformed studies on the topic, Colquhoun encourages believers to combat both legalism and antinomianism by joyfully embracing a correct view of the law centered on the Person of Christ. 

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Table of Contents:

1. The Law of God or the Moral Law in General

2. The Law of God as Promulgated to the Israelites from Mount Sinai

3. The Properties of the Moral Law

4. The Rules for Understanding Aright the Ten Commandments

5. The Gospel of Christ

6. The Uses of the Gospel, and of the Law in Subservience to It

7. The Difference between the Law and the Gospel

8. The Agreement between the Law and the Gospel

9. The Establishment of the Law by the Gospel

10. The Believer’s Privilege of Being Dead to the Law as a Covenant of Works

11. The High Obligations under Which Believers Lie

12. The Nature, Necessity, and Desert of Good Works


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